

AGs Question FDA Plan for Mail-Back Opioid Program

  • 13 Republican AGs wrote a letter to the FDA in response to its Request for Information regarding “In-Home Disposal Systems for Opioid Analgesics,” a proposed mail-back program for leftover opioid products.
  • In the letter, the AGs voiced their concerns that a mail-back program for unused opioids would provide opportunities for drug misuse and diversion, increase the amount of illicit substances in the mail at a time when law enforcement is working to curb the use of the USPS for fentanyl sales, and would be inconvenient for rural Americans.
  • The AGs ask the FDA to ensure that its response to leftover opioids also includes an option that allows consumers to choose in-home single use drug disposal products.


Tags: Utah, South Carolina, Multistate, Opioids, Cannabis, Tobacco + E-Cigarettes, Federal Agencies