

Vermont Attorney General Sues Fossil Fuel Companies over Alleged Deceptive Marketing Tactics

  • Vermont AG T.J. Donovan filed a lawsuit against fossil fuel companies Exxon Mobil Corporation, Shell Oil CompanySunoco LP, CITGO Petroleum Corporation, and related companies over allegations that they used deceptive and unfair practices in marketing fossil fuels in violation of Vermont’s Consumer Protection Act.
  • The complaint alleges, among other things, that the companies knew about the potential climate change effects of fossil fuel use since the 1960s, but continued to promote their products and downplay their climate effects, and that the companies engaged in deceptive “greenwashing” campaigns by falsely portraying themselves as helping the environment.
  • The complaint, which seeks injunctive relief, disgorgement, civil penalties, and attorneys’ fees and costs, is the latest such consumer protection suit against the fossil fuel industry filed by an AG, including ones brought by the AGs of Minnesota and Delaware, among other states.