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Missouri AG Alleges IBM Used Unlawful Quotas in Employment Practices

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey has sued International Business Machines Corporation (“IBM”), alleging that the company’s use of racial quotas in hiring and other employment actions violates the Missouri Human Rights Act’s prohibition on discriminatory employment practices. According to the complaint, IBM’s “diversity modifier” policy established employment quotas based on race, color, national origin, sex, or ancestry.…

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AGs Add Their Voice to Support Florida and Texas Laws Barring Social Media Viewpoint-Based Content Moderation

19 Republican AGs, joined by Republican legislative leaders from Arizona, filed an amicus brief in U.S. Supreme Court cases Moody v. NetChoice and NetChoice v. Paxton, supporting Florida and Texas laws, respectively, that bar social media companies from engaging in viewpoint-based content moderation. In the brief, the AGs argue that states have the authority to…

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AGs Go After Timeshare Exit Companies over Allegedly Fraudulent Marketing

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey filed a lawsuit against RSI, LLC and its owners, alleging that the timeshare-exit company violated the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act by making false promises and misrepresentations in the marketing of its services to consumers.

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