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Democratic AGs Pen Letter Opposing Walmart’s Decision to End Diversity Initiatives

A group of 13 Democratic AGs wrote a letter to Walmart’s President and CEO expressing concern about Walmart’s announcement that it will end certain aspects of its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. In the letter, the AGs explain that Walmart’s decision to phase out supplier diversity programs, close down its Center for Racial Equality,…

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Illinois AG’s and FTC’s Settlement Takes a $25 Million Bite Out of Grubhub

Illinois AG Kwame Raoul and the FTC have settled with Grubhub Inc. and Grubhub Holdings Inc. (collectively, “Grubhub”) to resolve allegations that it engaged in deceptive business practices that harmed customers, food delivery drivers, and restaurants in violation of federal and state consumer protection laws.

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Illinois Settles with DoorDash Over Tipping Practices

Illinois AG Kwame Raoul has reached a settlement with DoorDash, Inc. to resolve allegations that the company misrepresented to consumers how tips were allocated to drivers in violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act. In the settlement, the AG’s office alleges that DoorDash misled consumers regarding its “Guaranteed Pay Model” over a two-year…

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