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SCOTUS Upholds Constitutionality of CFPB’s Funding Mechanism

The U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion in CFPB v. Cmty. Fin. Servs. Assn. of Am., Ltd. upholding the funding structure of the CFPB. The Fifth Circuit had determined that the CFPB’s funding mechanism—drawing funds from the Federal Reserve System’s earnings—violated the Appropriations Clause. The Court reversed and remanded the case to the Fifth Circuit,…

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Bipartisan AGs Argue Section 230 Immunity for Online Platforms is Untenable “Engine of Human Misery”

A coalition of 20 Republican and three Democratic AGs submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case Doe v. Snap, Inc., No. 23-961, urging the Court to grant petitioner’s writ of certiorari and reverse the lower court’s holding that online platforms such as Snapchat enjoy sweeping immunity from claims of liability…

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Democrat AGs to SCOTUS: Don’t Ghost the ATF’s Rule on Ghost Guns

A coalition of 20 Democratic AGs has filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in support of the federal government’s request for review of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision in Garland v VanDerStok, which invalidated an ATF “ghost gun” regulation. In their brief, the AGs request that the Supreme Court…

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AGs Add Their Voice to Support Florida and Texas Laws Barring Social Media Viewpoint-Based Content Moderation

19 Republican AGs, joined by Republican legislative leaders from Arizona, filed an amicus brief in U.S. Supreme Court cases Moody v. NetChoice and NetChoice v. Paxton, supporting Florida and Texas laws, respectively, that bar social media companies from engaging in viewpoint-based content moderation. In the brief, the AGs argue that states have the authority to…

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